
Showing posts from August, 2020

How to join the AIS TAG...

 Hi... we are glad that you found your way to the AIS TAG blog and hope you have signed up to participate in the planning and development of the AIS consortium... if you have not signed up yet, please do so soonest at: . You can read more about the background and motivation for this IEEE AIS TAG effort in the 24 August blog post below.  Please check in once a week for up to date news on AIS TAG progress. All the best, Bob Sottilare

IEEE Adaptive Instructional System (AIS) Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Introduction

Hi and Welcome to the Adaptive Instructional Systems (AIS) Technical Advisory Group (TAG) blog site... as a member of the AIS TAG, this is where you will be receiving news on the AIS TAG meetings and the development of a concept of operations for an AIS consortium... below is the text for the point paper that went out to the IEEE Learning Technologies Standards Committee (LTSC) membership on 24 August 2020. The point paper serves as an introduction to the impetus and motivation for the AIS TAG. IEEE Adaptive Instructional System (AIS)  Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Robert A. Sottilare, Richard Tong, Avron Barr & Robby Robson INTRODUCTION This point paper discusses the proposed formation of an IEEE AIS TAG as a subgroup under the Learning Technologies Standards Committee (LTSC). AISs are commonly defined as artificially-intelligent, computer-based systems that guide learning experiences by tailoring instruction and recommendations based on the goals, needs, preference...